Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ben and the bouncy seat

Ben finally found an outlet for his boundless energy.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

6 Months Old !!!

The boys turned 6 months today. We are having so much fun and feel so privileged to be their parents. Ben is a perpetual motion machine, rolling over onto his belly and/or kicking his legs constantly. He's still trying to master rolling from his belly to his back, but he's getting there. Sam has started to kick his legs a lot and is experimenting with rolling. He has a rather stiff approach to kicking his legs that looks like he's practicing for his Riverdance audition. Their 6 month checkup with the doctor is on Monday. We're looking forward to that.

Some recent pics ...



Ben close, Sam far





Ben left, Sam right

Mama and boys

Sam and Dad