Friday, May 23, 2008

Sleep Deprivation Training

Chris was having more bleeding problems yesterday so I was glad to be heading home from San Jose. I got off the elevator in the Seattle airport parking garage and received a call from Chris telling me she was in the Emergency Room. The on-call doctor had told her to go there. They checked on the babies and checked her out a bit and things seemed to be OK. The marathon trip to the ER got us home well after 1:00am.

After just a few hours of sleep, we were back up heading to an appointment at an ultrasound clinic to do the "neck check". That's my name for the test where they measure the thickness of the babies' necks to determine their risk of Downs Syndrome. Fortunately, the test came back within the normal range. Doesn't guarantee anything, but dramatically reduces the possibility.

We then went across the street to our regular doctor to discuss Chris' problems of the previous day. We showed up without an appointment and they saw us within 10 minutes. They're just great. They instructed us to keep an eye on it to make sure it didn't get worse and told us the important thing is that the babies are doing great and growing at exactly the rate they are supposed to. It might be that Chris is just going to have to deal with this for a while. It sure is scary, though.

OK, enough of the dramatic stuff, the ultrasound during the neck check was incredible. That place can get so much clarity and project it on a much larger screen than you get in the regular doctor's office. We could see the one baby's legs crossed. The babies are about 2.5 inches long from butt to top of head. They regularly practice their pre-natal mixed martial arts, making daddy quite proud.

Keep praying.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank God everything is ok. I heard that this is kinda' normal for someone having twins. Still scary though. We are thinking of you and praying. Rob said thanks for the cute birthday card!
Shar & Rob