Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day 24

Had an ultrasound today. Her cervix has remained basically the same, give or take. One of the babies' amniotic fluid levels is somewhat low as a result of the ibuprofen they're giving her to keep her contractions down. The doctors are going to monitor and stopping the ibuprofen would eliminate the problem completely, so we're not too worried. Things seem to be working well right now in terms of getting her stabilized, so they are hesitant to make any changes to what we're currently doing.

As part of the ultrasound today, they measured the growth. Each baby weighs just under 2lbs. The doctor said that's about 50th percentile, which is great for twins because they're usually smaller than with singles. All of the nurses comment on how active the twins are and they're growing very well, so we are extremely pleased with how they are progressing.

Things are going very well considering the circumstances. Next milestone is 28 weeks. That's when the doctors get comfortable about the babies' prognosis. Keep praying. We're not out of the woods yet by any means.

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