Friday, August 8, 2008


We're through 10 full days in the hospital at this point. The issue for which they had hospitalized Chris has continued to deteriorate. The doctors are still trying to stabilize it, but it's pretty much in God's hands at this point. The next few weeks are extremely critical. If the babies are born in the next two weeks, their chances of survival aren't great. Seems like everyone (doctors, us, family, friends, etc.) is doing all the right things. We feel so good about the support we have, but human support clearly won't be enough in this instance.

Chris is scared, but holding up. I'm so proud of how she's handled all of this and how her positive attitude and faith have really come to the forefront.

Please continue to pray for our babies. Also, pray that Chris and I are not only able to accept God's will, but embrace it.


Anonymous said...

We think of your hourly, and pray for your daily...guess we will just increase our prayer time, but do know that you are in our thoughts, prayers and hearts. Give our best to your Chris and your Mom, we are so proud of all of you with your bravery and faith.

Anonymous said...

Everybody is praying for you. Be strong and we love you!