Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday update

Had a rough night last night. Chris started having contractions for the first time in almost 3 weeks. They gave her a shot which stopped the contractions. Contractions, in general, don't necessarily mean babies are coming, but if they aren't stopped it will eventually result in labor. The nurses and doctors have told us that as she progresses, the contractions will come on occasion and they'll address the situation as it arises each time.

Today was ultrasound day, as is every Thursday. Baby A's (as opposed to Baby B) amniotic fluid level has fallen below the acceptable threshold, so they are taking Chris off one of the anti-contraction medications. This will allow the fluid to replenish. Unfortunately, they can't put her back on the medication when the fluid returns. So, like always, they will monitor her and take action if contractions pick up. The good news is that her cervix is stable right now.

Nights like last night are a great reminder for us of just how lucky we are. We had access to technology to diagnose the contractions, the nurses and doctors did a great job addressing the issue, and we had friends and family checking in on us the entire time that was going on.

Because Chris rolls her eyes every time the subject comes up, I feel obligated to continue updating the now infamous Cervical Length Chart. Here's the latest version ...

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