Thursday, October 9, 2008


We had an ultrasound on Tuesday morning and one of the babies' growth rates has slowed. They had been tracking at the same size thus far and the last two weeks, baby A has started to slow down. This was a pretty traumatic thing for Chris, but the doctors have assured us that it's normal for twins and that the Jenny Craig baby catches up after they are born.

One thing this new info has changed is that, as opposed to being sent home at 34 weeks as was the original plan, if baby A's growth rate has continued to decline, they will induce her and let the babies grow outside her belly. So there is a very real possibility that we're only 2 weeks away !!!

Just to clarify, baby A is not shrinking. He's just not growing as fast as his brother.

Check out the new picture of Mama to the right. Looks pretty good, eh?

Lastly, Happy Birthday, Mom !!!! We love you.


Unknown said...

Surely sounds like you may have a cute 'lil 'mini me' in there! I am so happy you guys are so far along! Such great news! And don't forget to "feed my bellie"
p.s. (I think Chris could benefit from some NEW! Mary Kay mineral blush)just a thought

Anonymous said...

Jenny Craig baby, good one Rick! Did the birthday pool have anything in the disclaimer about inductions? Bill Gates was just wondering! :) Chris looks great! Thanks for the new picture!

Anonymous said...

Hot mama!!! Estep, you look great! My friend who had twin boys in April, one of her boys was smaller and he is doing just fine. I can hardly wait to finally meet them!