Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Live fire exercise

So, the boys are doing great. Grandma Grimes comes into town tomorrow and she is out of her mind excited about meeting her guys.

The most interesting things that happen these days seem to be around Dad trying to change diapers. For someone who never changed a diaper before he changed his sons', I think I'm doing OK, but their small size creates some unique challenges. Normally with boys, you use a washcloth to shield yourself from incoming streams. These guys are so small and freak out each time like it's the first diaper change of their entire life that the cloth invariably falls off. As a result, I've been doing some dodging and a lot of cleaning up.

Another item that we find amusing is Ben's animal-like approach to attacking his bottle. When you present the bottle, he shakes his head back and forth and then lunges at the bottle with his mouth open. Chris has taken to calling him Bear, as a result.

Lastly, Sam's big trick is that no matter how many layers we put on him, he will extricate his arm. So, we come into the room and see his little hand sticking out from underneath the neck of his jumper touching his face. He's our little Harry Houdini.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so glad you guys are doing well and the boys are so sweet - thank you for all the pictures here and on FB. It's so great to get the updates. The stories are all too familiar and make me smile. I remember changing Carson out of his sleeper 3 or 4 times one night from getting wet or otherwise! I don't think I was smiling then though. We also used to call Carson "Growly Bear" because of all of his growling and grunting in his bed. Now he just lays in there yelling DAADAADADADA!

Hope you're getting some rest! XO - Lindz