Saturday, December 27, 2008

First Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas with our new family. The boys got the Christmas gift that keeps on giving ... circumcisions !!! We had about a foot of snow fall over the course of a week and it didn't start melting until yesterday, so it made for a white Christmas, but difficult driving. Fortunately, our minivan (now affectionately known as The Mule) has all-wheel drive and was able to get us everywhere we needed to get.

Weight update:
Sam - 9lbs
Ben - 9lbs, 6oz

Note: This was as of this past Wednesday. These two were seriously hitting the Christmas cookies, so it could be higher by now. Someone mentioned that you're not supposed to feed cookies to 7 week olds, but I'm pretty sure they had no idea what they were talking about.

Lastly, Ben and Sam (particularly Sam) are starting to smile for other than gastrointestinal reasons. It's amazing.

Here are some pictures ...

This is what I'm looking at right now as I type

This was all Mama's doing

Christmas photos

Makes all the late nights worth it

Tiny hands ... and to think they've already basically doubled in size

The boys love their Grandpa Ron

The boys love their Grandma Jo

The boys love their Grandma Pat


Anonymous said...

Hi Christine! (and Rick and Ben and Sam!) Happy New Year! I didn't know you were continuing the blog (do you EVER sleep? Seriously.) Yours was my most cherished Christmas card--the boys look amazing and the two of you crack me up. Can't wait to meet the little ones and to give them the snuggle I've been saving for soooooooooo long. Love to you all, and Happy New Year. Who knew this time last year what would happen in '08?

Unknown said...

Rob says: You complain about us dressing our dogs up! What's up with the bow on top of the kid's head?