Thursday, September 25, 2008

Teacher ... busted

If you don't put your name on your paper, you don't get credit for your work. If you posted this comment, please post a comment to this posting letting me know.

Anonymous said...

I am saying March 2nd. That is my Bday - but that seems like an unreasonable request.

I am going to have to say Oct. 8!
A teacher just knows these things.


Anonymous said...

Teacher busted is the one who delivers meals to you!
Kari Robins
Kari Robins
Kari Robins

Anonymous said...

Aynsley has a couple of questions for you guys:
1. Why do the babies have to be boys, can they BE girls?
2. How did you get two babies in Christine's belly?
She's a very curious 3 1/2 year old!

Take care you two!
