Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hazmat suits ... well, sorta

Yesterday we hit the 30 week mark. We are so excited about that. This date was just a far-off dream for us a few weeks ago.

Also, today is 8 weeks in the hospital for us. Shortest 10 years of our lives.

In her continuing effort to relive the plagues of Egypt, Chris now has shingles (adult chickenpox). It is isolated to a patch on her lower back. They are treating it and the pain from it seems bearable. I am thinking about painting the outside of the hospital doorway with lambs blood to fend off any further plagues (BTW, if you don't understand this reference, you need to get you a bible). Shingles can only be transmitted in the form of chickenpox to people who have not had chickenpox. Of course, she's handling it like a trooper as she's dealt with all of this.

Here are the signs on the outside of her door warning of impending doom for anyone who hasn't had chickenpox ...

NOTE: Birth day pool closes at midnight tomorrow (see below). Please do not pick a date that has already been taken.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to guess Nov 1 for the 1st baby and Nov 2 for the 2nd baby! It could happen :)


Anonymous said...

Okay October 16th is my guess and so sorry about the shingles! Hope the babies are doing well! Do we need a name poll? :)