Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving pics

The boys celebrated their first Thanksgiving today with a wonderful meal of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and cranberries. Since they're only 3 weeks old, we limited them to only one helping. No seconds for them. Here are a few pictures we took today. Happy Thanksgiving !!!

Ben on left, Sam on Right




Friday, November 21, 2008

The Great Swaddle Break 2008

Ben and Sam simultaneously broke the bonds of their swaddles today and suddenly realized they don't like it when they're so exposed. The following picture seems to appropriately capture the boys' feelings about the situation.

They had their two week check-up yesterday and all is good. Sam is up to 5lbs, 6oz (born at 5lbs, 2oz) and Ben is 5lbs, 13.5oz (born at 5lbs, 12 oz). Goal was to get back to their birth weights by the two week mark, so they nailed that one.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Conniption defines the word conniption as a fit of hysterical excitement or anger. As Sam was in the middle of one this morning, I found myself at a crossroads. I could immediately try to ascertain the cause of the conniption and address it like a good father or I could take pictures. Of course, I chose to be a good father and address the issue ... after I took pictures.

Notice how his brow turns white when he gets all freaked out. It's a sight to behold. Also, admire the ab workout he gets with the tantrum leg lifts.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Live fire exercise

So, the boys are doing great. Grandma Grimes comes into town tomorrow and she is out of her mind excited about meeting her guys.

The most interesting things that happen these days seem to be around Dad trying to change diapers. For someone who never changed a diaper before he changed his sons', I think I'm doing OK, but their small size creates some unique challenges. Normally with boys, you use a washcloth to shield yourself from incoming streams. These guys are so small and freak out each time like it's the first diaper change of their entire life that the cloth invariably falls off. As a result, I've been doing some dodging and a lot of cleaning up.

Another item that we find amusing is Ben's animal-like approach to attacking his bottle. When you present the bottle, he shakes his head back and forth and then lunges at the bottle with his mouth open. Chris has taken to calling him Bear, as a result.

Lastly, Sam's big trick is that no matter how many layers we put on him, he will extricate his arm. So, we come into the room and see his little hand sticking out from underneath the neck of his jumper touching his face. He's our little Harry Houdini.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Day 12

The boys continue to do well and grow. Mama is healing up well from her c-section and is enjoying her time with her sons. We're looking forward to my Mom coming to town on Wednesday. Here is a picture of the boys I just took. Sam is on the left, Ben on the right.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day 8

One week ago today, Sam and Ben were born. We had our one week checkup today and they are doing great. Sam hit the 5lb mark again, which made us very happy and proud. Ben now weighs 5lbs, 9oz. The goal is for babies to hit their birth weight by the two week mark and these guys will get there, no problem.

Ole Ben figured Daddy didn't have enough to do this afternoon, so he wiggled out of his diaper, went poo, and then rolled around in his jumper (he likes his jumpers big) and smeared it all over himself. Then he went and peed on me while I was cleaning him up. Quite a parental moment I had.

One interesting note is that by their 6th day, both of the boys had figured out how to hold their pacifier in their mouth using their hand. I didn't figure that out until I was 27.

Sleep for Chris and me is hit or miss right now. Her Dad has stayed with us every night but one. Not sure what we would do without him. Plus, that southern dude cooks some serious comfort food. The lack of sleep doesn't bother me a bit. It's a privilege to take care of these two little guys and if that causes me to miss some sleep, so be it.

Chris is dealing with the after effects of her c-section, her pregnancy, and her 14.5 weeks laying on her side. She's an unbelievable trooper. I've said throughout this journey that every time I think my respect for her couldn't possibly be higher, it pretty much doubles.

Here are some pictures of our two favorite dudes from today. Sam likes his outfits a little snug and, as I referenced earlier in this post, Ben likes his a bit looser so we can choose whether to put one of his legs in each leg of the jumper, put both his legs in one jumper leg, or just curl up in a ball. We also use the cuffed shirts that cover their hands so they won't scratch themselves. Tell me that little Sam (striped jumper on right) doesn't look like he's about to go play in the snow.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Finally home

We brought the boys home last evening. They spent their first three nights in the nursery at the hospital so we didn't know they had their days and nights reversed. What an indoctrination into parenthood we had last night. I loved every minute of it, though.

Going to keep this short because I'm really tired and have another long night ahead of me. Here are some photos of our trip home.

Getting ready to head home

About to go for their first car ride

Sam ... one cool customer
Ben ... preparing to nap so he could stay up all night once he got home

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Life ... day 3

Ben, Sam, and Mama are doing great. The boys are eating regularly and have healthy diaper deposits to give me something to do. Sam particularly likes to play a funny joke on me by pooping and waiting for me to have him almost all cleaned up and then going some more. He gets quite a kick out of that little joke. Ben likes to remind me who the boss is by crying so I'll will pick him up and walk him around. Then he goes quiet for a while, waits for me to put him back down and start to forget who's boss, and then repeats the process, lest I forget.

Mama is doing a great job. She's healing well and got her staples out today. She's learning to feed the babies. That's kinda PG-13 stuff, so I'll just stop there on the whole feeding thing. She has taken to motherhood so well. I am so proud of her. She completely turned over her body to these boys to get them this far.

Ben is now 5lbs, 9oz and Sam is 4lbs, 14oz. The nurses and pediatrician are thrilled that they've held their weight so well.

We go home tomorrow. We're looking forward to it and, of course, scared at the same time. We'll have great help with Chris' family being so close and my Mom coming next week.

I'll post pictures in the next couple days of our trip home and the boys in the nursery.

Ben on left, Sam on right

Ben on left, Sam on right


Sam (notice little bulb squirty things keeping him from rolling)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Welcome Sam and Ben !!!!

Samuel Joseph and Benjamin Patrick were born today at 10:16 and 10:18 respectively. Sam was 5lbs, 2oz and Ben was 5lbs, 13oz. Sam took a little while to figure out his breathing, but he rallied and is doing well. He's skinny and his body temp drops on occasion, but the nurses here take good care of him. Once Sam puts a little weight on, he'll be fine. Ben is doing very well. Dude has been pooping all day. I got to change my first dirty diaper earlier.

As a result of the drugs she got after her c-section, Mama was forgetting to breathe, so we ended up in recovery longer than expected. The nurses got that worked out and Mama is doing well now. She's about to have a big ole milkshake, which she hasn't been allowed in a long time with her gestational diabetes.

Thanks for everyone's prayers and support. Please keep them coming.